
The Friends of the Suffolk Regiment association pays particular attention to the quality of this website in order to make it accessible to as many people as possible. It is engaged in an approach aimed at respecting the le RGAA (General framework for improving accessibility) version 4.1.

Accessibility is taken into account by the site’s webmaster. An accessibility test, carried out on January 27, 20243 carried out with the site accessibilitychecker, mentions a partially compliant rate of 66%. The pages tested representative of navigation on this site are:

  • Accueil : 64%
  • History of the regiment : 68%
  • Guided tours :
  • Contactez-us :

Tous les sites publics doivent respecter les normes d’accessibilité

Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities makes accessibility a requirement for all online public communication services of the State, local authorities and public establishments which depend on them.

Decree No. 2009-546 of May 14, 2009 taken pursuant to article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities and creating an accessibility benchmark for public communication services online.

General framework for improving accessibility – RGAA Version 4.1

Feedback and contact

If you cannot access content or a service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.


This procedure is to be used in the following case: you have reported to the website manager an accessibility defect which prevents you from accessing content or one of the portal’s services and you have not obtained a satisfactory response. You can then:

Update: january 27, 2024

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